Uses and Gratifications Theory, Cultivation Theory and Agenda-setting & Framing Theory

 Friday, March 11th, 2022 

        Uses and Gratifications Theory, Cultivation Theory and Agenda-setting & Framing Theory     

Hi Everyone ! Welcome back to another blog post . This week's topic is focused on three aspects of influential relations : Uses and Gratifications Theory, Cultivation Theory, and Agenda- setting & Framing Theory. To begin, let's start by summarizing all three aspects ! 

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1Uses and Gratification Theory is an objective theory based off the study of uncovering how people use media ,why they use media, and what form of gratification is produced from the type of media they engage with (Griffin, 2019). It is believed that we have social and psychological approaches of needs which leads to a generation of expectations, which then leads to different media exposures that then result in need gratification (Griffin et. al, 2019). One simple assumption is that we use media to please our particular interests I.e, ( getting travel vlog information as a means of entertainment, informational purposes through mediums such as YouTube to satisfy our needs. In addition, the media can satisfy our needs for curiosity, provide a sense of personal identity, affirm our beliefs, and transmit and learn about other cultural values (Griffin, 2019). I say all this to lead into how I would describe my own television viewing habits. 

How To Draw A Cartoon TV Using A Simple DesignNowadays, I don't watch cable TV as much as I used to but often revert to using Netflix and other Tv/Movie streaming plans. As of right now, I've grown a liking for watching documentaries. The one I'm watching right now happens to be the documentary on Kanye West called "Jeen-Yuhs". From watching the documentary and its' weekly episode drops have actually sparked my interest. It's helped me tap into figuring out what typology this act falls under. Typology refers to the classification of where our gratification lies. We can connect this concept with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and its' five stages I.e (physiology, safety, love/belonging, esteem/self-actualization). My typology ( of the documentary listed above) can fall under self-actualization.  I say this because there are a few lessons that I feel I can take from the documentary so far. For example, his drive to be the best,  the way he spoke to himself, the way he was able to manifest his dream of making it big, and positive affirmations and reassurances makes me feel good and makes me feel like I can incorporate those sayings into my own life. 

I think it's interesting to see how the media can affect us in many ways. I also find it interesting that we are somewhat in control of what we chose to see and get out of the media we watch. To move along with our blog post, I want us to refer to another theory known as Agenda-setting & Framing Theory. 

3.  Agenda-Setting & Framing Theory is a concept that states that the media establishes the importance of some other issues more effectively than others (Griffen, et, al, 2019). Why is this? What does it ultimately contribute to? How does it benefit us or harm us and is it successful at framing our ideas and theories? These are the questions I asked myself while reading up on the topic. Referring back to the concept of this theory, it is evident that the media establishes the importance of certain issues more effectively over others because it is the media's job to tell us where our attention and thinking should be focused on. It utltimately frames our thinking. For example, we can look towards the news outlets as reference. At this point in our lives, we're all aware that the news displays the negative aspects of society over the positive which makes me wonder if the goal is to keep us as a society in fear as it is easier to control those who are afraid; but that's an aside. (Griffen et. al, 2019)  uncovers the workings of McCombs and Donald Shaw mentions that it is difficult for the average person to maintain focus on more than five things at a time so cultivating what a person finds most important is what they'll give their attention to. In addition to this, the media we indulge in has a public agenda (culmination of what is deemed important to viewers of the content)  that is followed that is successful in capturing and maintaining audience focus and framework of thinking (Griffin et. al, 2019). 

In my opinion, I sometimes feel as though the media often doesn't showcase or give enough recognition to certain situations at hand. For example, recently I have been hearing about the Africans that were being held at the Ukrainian border. For example, there are videos and pictures on Twitter where you can see persons of color being pushed and shoved in efforts to allow Ukranian born citizens priority of exiting the country which can lead to serious issues. While I can understand the need for Ukranian born citizens to be of first priority, I do feel as though those who are not initially from said country should be shown the same respect and courtsoy to seek safety in their home country. While I could go on about the matter and my thoughts, I do feel that the media disregards this aspect of relevance and instead chooses to factor in on the main storyline and issue at hand this being that Ukraine and Russia are at war and the affects are gruesome. Enough about me and my thoughts, let's extend this conversation back to you all reading this. 

Here is an article regarding the matter:

4. In terms of re-creating ones's self, how have you tried to reframe yourself in the past couple of weeks or even days? For me personally, I feel that I have tried to reframe myself with my daily habits. I feel that my exposure to the media has increased my positive outlook on changing my. habits because of who and what I decide to watch, follow, and engage with. I feel that right now, I've been able to tailor my media feeds into my liking and the content that I would like to see. In doing so, this helps me to stay on track with my new ways and daily habits. It feeds my mind and motivates me to continue on the path I'm heading in as well as in the media I find myself attracted to here on out. 

The next time you're by yourself, I want you to think to yourself this idea of framing and agenda- setting theory. How has this been either an asset to your life or how has it been harmful. In addition, the next time you engage in media , look out for the type of content you see on your feeds. Does it tailor to your personal interest? As always, thank you for taking the time out to read this week's blog post! I'll catch you in the next one 

African american thumbs up woman. Beautiful african american woman happy  smiling making thumbs up sign with both hands. | CanStock


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