
Showing posts from February, 2022

The study of Social Judgement Theory , Elaboration Likelihood Model And How They Are Connected !

                                                          Social Judgement Theory  February 21st, 2022  Hello all ! Hello Hello Hello ! I know I know, it's been a while since we last convened but I'm finally back with another interesting Vlog. Today, we'll be discussing two theories known as Social Judgement Theory and Elaboration Likelihood Model both in which I will try my best to illustrate the connection between both approaches of persuasion. Let's dive in Shall we?  What is persuasion you ask? Well, persuasion is the process and action of being swayed from your original stance to that of another. In other words, you are being nudged to believe something else over what you stand behind. The first theory I'd like to shine light on is the objectivists approach theory known as Social Judgement Theory by Muzafer Sherif . This the...

Relational Dialectics

 February 11th, 2022     Hey guys and welcome back to our series 3 of  Comm Theory studies. In today's blog post, we will uncover the significance behind Relational Dialectics Theory or in other words, RDT.  More specifically, today we will be discussing the six tensions both (internal and external) of RTD.  Up above is a table image of the categories of the tensions , their internal and their external counterparts . As you guys know by now, I like to make things more personable and connected to give you guys a more relatable standpoint. Before we go further, let's define what RDT really is. RDT stands for Relational Dialectics Theory that focuses on the "dynamic and unceasing struggle between discourses about interpersonal relationships"(Griffen et. al, 2019).          Of the counterparts of this theory, there are six tensions that can be linked with internal and external dialects. One example of an internal dialect in re...